At Harvest we want to help you continue to grow in your faith. That is why we provide a variety of ministries directed at adults.
Adult Bible Study Classes
Adult Bible Study classes take place on various days and times during the year. Our Sunday night classes take place on Sundays at 6pm from September through May.
2024-25 Class Schedule:
2024-25 Class Schedule:
- September 15 - 29: Reagan Rose (Christian Life Stewardship)
- October 6 - 13: Bob Bashawaty (From Daniel to Revelation)
- October 20: Jason Gortney (The Christian & Politics)
- October 27: NO CLASS
- November 3 - 10: Kyle Wallner (You Must Be Born Again & Lordship Salvation)
- November 17: Pie & Praise
- November 24 - December 1: NO CLASS
- December 8 - 15: Pat MacLean (10 Commandments of Progressive Christianity)
- December 22 - January 5: NO CLASS
- January 12 - 26: Salvador Toledo (Your Calling in Christ)
- February 2: Randy Hall (Biblical Reconciliation)
- February 9 - 16: NO CLASS
- February 23 - March 2: Randy Hall (Biblical Reconciliation)
- March 9 - 16: Steve Schlichter (Biblical Economics)
- March 23 - 30: NO CLASS
- April 6: Mike Fleishman (Sharing the Gospel)
- April 13: Ben Weaks (The Importance of Christian Community/Fellowship)
- April 20: NO CLASS
- April 27: Bruce Gailitis (Developing Christian Leadership)
- May 4: Max Zammit (Faithful Fathering)
Have you been baptized as a believer in Jesus Christ? We would love to celebrate your salvation with you at Harvest. You're invited to attend a class, which will explore what the Bible teaches about this important step of identification with Jesus.
The Harvest Membership Class is offered three times annually. It discusses the history of Harvest Bible Church, defines a disciple of Jesus Christ, explains our church government and what the Bible says about church ordinances, and describes the commitments of members of Harvest Bible Church.
Men's Ministries
1 Corinthians 16:13
At Harvest, we actively strive to become a church full of well-equipped men who serve the Lord with all of their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. God has put on our hearts to serve the men of our church three-fold; to equip men to be closer followers of Jesus, to enjoy living in community with one another, and to serve the community around us. God has blessed and called us to take care of our local community inside and outside our church body.

Upcoming Men's Events
Text men to 734.732.4900 for more information.
Visit our facebook page!
Visit our facebook page!
Women's Ministries
At Harvest, our desire is to grow in Christ, cultivate godly relationships among our sisters in Christ, and fellowship well together. We offer many events and Bible study classes that allow us to do just that.

Upcoming WOMEN's Events
Text women to 734.732.4900 or email for more information.
Find us on facebook!
Find us on facebook!
Senior Ministries
Are you 60 years of age or older? We would love for you to join our Senior Adult Ministry! It is our conviction that all seniors would be actively involved at Harvest. Our goal is to assist seniors in understanding that they are relevant to making the body of Christ healthier, by contributing their vast Christian experience for the benefit of all!
For more information about regular meetings, please contact Joe Taylor at
For more information about regular meetings, please contact Joe Taylor at
Homeschool Group
The purpose of this group is to bring together homeschool families for a time of fellowship in which we can encourage and sharpen one another (Proverbs 27:17). We plan monthly activities, which are usually held the first Thursday of each month in the morning. If you are interested in more information about this group, please send an email to Michelle Toledo at
If your family is interested in joining us, please contact Michelle Toledo at or 734.664.3765 for more details about the events and to get put in the homeschool email group. Some of the sign up deadlines can be pretty far in advance, depending on the location. All of the field trips/activities require an advanced registration which is done through our group email and the prices are dependent upon the activity.
Moms of Little Ones
If you are a mom of at least one child ages 0-5 or expecting, you are invited to join us for
"Moms of Little Ones." Our goal for this ministry is that moms may gather together in Christ, offering support and encouragement to one another during the many experiences of motherhood.
For more information, please contact Kaylee Beardslee at
"Moms of Little Ones." Our goal for this ministry is that moms may gather together in Christ, offering support and encouragement to one another during the many experiences of motherhood.
For more information, please contact Kaylee Beardslee at