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Week 7: March 20-26

Walking with Jesus through the Holy (Passion) Week

This coming week is designated as the “Passion” week. It is the week prior to the celebration of Easter, a time we focus on the events of Christ’s final week leading up to the crucifixion and resurrection. The importance of this week is to deepen our relationship with Christ by remembering the great sacrifice He made on our behalf. One stumbling block to many believers, children and youth especially, is not viewing scripture and its narratives as actual, real events that happened to actual, real people. By following and connecting with the actual events of Jesus, we are reminded of Christ’s humanity and actual, real sacrifice for us.

Below is an outline of the events that preceded the death and resurrection of Christ. These are dated for us to follow March 20-27. Gather once this week and discuss the details. If your family has the time, discuss each day the events that happened to Jesus. This will make your faith and your family’s faith stronger and deeper.

 Topics to discuss as you read these accounts:

  1. Though Jesus knew what was coming, but how did he respond leading up to the crucifixion?
  2. Jesus was on earth for a purpose and a mission. What parts of the mission was he accomplishing leading up to the crucifixion?

 Sunday March 20

  • Triumphal entry into Jerusalem, Mark 11:1–10
  • Jesus surveys the temple area and returns to Bethany, Mark 11:11

Monday March 21

  • Cursing the fig tree on the way to Jerusalem, Mark 11:12– 14
  • Clearing the temple, Mark 11:15–17
  • Miracles and challenges in the temple, Mark 11:18
  • Return to Bethany, Mark 11:19

Tuesday March 22

  • Reaction to cursing the fig tree on the way back to Jerusalem, Mark 11:20–21
  • Debates with religious leaders in Jerusalem and teaching in the temple, Mark 11:27–12:44
  • Eschatological discourse on the Mount of Olives on the return to Bethany, Mark 13:1–37

Wednesday March 23

  • “Silent Wednesday” – Jesus and disciples remain in Bethany for last time of fellowship
  • Judas returns alone to Jerusalem to make arrangements for the betrayal, Mark 14:10–11

Thursday March 24

  • Preparations for the Passover, Mark 14:12–16
  • (After sundown) Passover meal and Last Supper, Mark 14:17–26
  • Upper Room discourses, John 13–17
  • Prayers in the Garden of Gethsemane, Mark 14:32–42

Friday March 25 (sometime perhaps after midnight)

  • Betrayal and arrest, Matt. 26:47–56
  • Jewish trial – Jesus appears in three phases in front of:
    1. Annas, John 18:13–24
    2. Caiaphas and partial Sanhedrin, Matt. 26:57–75
    3. Sanhedrin fully assembled (perhaps after sunrise), Matt. 27:1–2
  • Roman trial – Jesus appears in three phases before:
    1. Pilate, Matt. 27:2–14
    2. Herod Antipas, Luke 23:6–12
    3. Pilate, Matt. 27:15–26
  • Crucifixion ( 9:00am – 3:00pm), Matt. 27:27–66

Sunday March 26

  • Resurrection witnesses, Matt. 28:1–8; Mark 16:1–8; Luke 24:1–12
  • Resurrection appearances, Matt. 28:9–20; Luke 24:13–53; John 20–21

 Pray Together

  1. Pray that God allows you to deepen your love for Christ through the account of the passion week.
  2. Pray that God will create an opportunity for a Gospel conversation this week.
  3. Pray that God will develop in you a heart of prayer and dependence on Him.

Further Reading

  • Significance of Triumphal Entry: Link

  • Understanding the Fig Tree story: Link

Posted by Rob Fipps with