
John 13-17: Abide in Me

John 13-17: Abide in Me

Jesus said, “In this world you will have tribulation.” Turmoil will come our way. Pressure will come. Persecution will come.

We know that Jesus will overcome in the end. But how can we take heart as we wait for Jesus’ return? And how can we live lives of love in an increasingly loveless land? Only as we abide in Jesus - walking closely with Him each step of the way.

Join us in the upper room with Jesus and the disciples for a sermon series through John 13-17: “Abide in Me.”

John 5-12: The Great I AM

John 5-12: The Great I AM

"God said to Moses, 'I AM who I AM.'" (Exod. 3:14) 
"Jesus said to them, 'Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was, I AM.'" (John 8:58) 
I AM ...  the bread of life
I AM ... the light of the world
I AM ... the door
I AM ... the good shepherd
I AM ... the resurrection and the life
I AM ... the way, the truth, and the life
I AM ... the true vine 

Join us for a verse-by-verse study in John 5-12, in which Jesus demonstrates that He is the unique, divine Son of God.